Just as no one person is the same, there are many different issues surrounding real estate, and so are the circumstances of the people involved. Therefore, there are various situations where real estate appraisals are required. Our real estate appraisals are useful in the following cases.

Corporate real estate

For publicly listed companies, it is necessary to disclose their current asset value of owned real estate to stakeholders (shareholders and lenders) for matters like accounting and business revitalization. As the value of real estate changes, it is important to know the market value. In addition, accurate understanding of real estate value is essential when acquiring or merging companies. Please contact us for real estate appraisals that meet your company-specific needs.

Mortgage loans

When you apply for a loan to a financial institution such as a bank, the financial institution usually assesses the collateral value of your real estate. In most cases, the loan amount is assessed based on the internal standards of the financial institution. However, it is a simple process and may not offer the planned loan amount. In such a case, if you want to get the loan you want, you have to get an appraisal of the collateral value and persuade the financial institution. This is because, if you know the collateral value of the land before applying for a loan, you can make a better financial plan.


Real estate trials may be required, including disputes over real estate transactions, divorce settlement, and inheritance. In that case, the real estate appraisal may need to be submitted to the court as evidence. Also, if you try to create a settlement plan yourself, you will need a reasonable explanation. In addition, appraisals are useful to individuals and companies in various situations involving courts, bankruptcy or corporate reorganization.

Buying, selling and redevelopment

When buying, selling or exchanging real estate, you can proceed with proper transactions by knowing the appropriate value of the real estate. Also, in the case of redevelopment, the rights of stakeholders are complicated. In such cases, understanding the objective value of real estate first can reveal various problems and find clues to solve them. Ultimately, that will lead to easier redevelopment. We have experience with such complex cases.


Rent prices change depending on land prices and tax movements. In some cases, the rent you are currently receiving may be significantly lower or higher than the market price. Act of Land and Building Leases, which determines rules for rent, allows changes in rent if it is unreasonable compared to the neighboring market due to fluctuations in taxes and land prices. If you need to negotiate rent, you can make effective use of real estate appraisals.

Inheriting real estate

Those who inherit real estate face a variety of problems. There are several ways to divide real estate. For example, the money from the sale of real estate is distributed among the heirs. Another option is for one person to pay another person to own the property. Either way, you need to know the value of your property accurately in order to handle it fairly. In addition, you need to consider how to use the inherited real estate. We are willing to consult with you regarding the effective use of your real estate.